Billy Lin Introduction!

Hey guys! My name is Billy Lin and I'm going to be one of your vice chairs for the NGO committee this year at BMUN 66. I'm from Vancouver, Canada, so if you want any tips on how to snowboard extremely politely just ask! Just kidding, I can't snowboard. Sorry.
MUN was a big part of high school for me, and what made my experiences so great were the chairs and secretariat of all the conferences I went to (and the delegates! Well, most delegates. Haha! I'm sure you guys will all be cool, winky face.). That's why I wanted to continue in my passion for diplomacy here in Berkeley - I'm so glad to have been given the opportunity to initiate and guide in your debates! When y'all registered for the NGO committee you certainly made the right choice - there's going to be a mix of very different and fresh styles of discussions and debate. You'll have to see for yourself all the wonderful aspects of the NGO committee!
Welcome to our committee!!


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